Is It Time for a Whole-Body Tune up?

Sugar, wine, comfort food, boredom snacking. Sound familiar? The coronavirus has many of us “coping” in ways that may not be ideal for our long-term health. Finding ways to break the cycle of food cravings and unhealthy habits may be as close as 5 days away. 


What is a Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD)?

A fasting mimicking diet is a type of intermittent fasting. It was developed by Dr. Valter Longo, an Italian biologist, researcher and expert in the field of longevity. Science has demonstrated that water fasting (drinking only water for a prescribed amount of time) can enhance healthy aging. Unfortunately, many people find skipping meals too challenging for regular practice. Dr. Longo, with his team of scientists at the University of Southern California, developed a FMD protocol using specific amounts of plant-based proteins, carbohydrates and fats that allows the body to “mimic” the beneficial response of a 5-day water fast. These include:

  • Improved blood sugar- When it comes to managing blood sugar, intermittent fasting takes center stage. It has been proven to lower insulin resistance and increase metabolism

  • Weight loss- Weight-loss resistance can often be due to an underlying hormone imbalance. Leptin is a hormone produced in your fat cells. Leptin resistance occurs when your brain stops recognizing leptin's signals to use your body’s fat stores for energy. This causes your body to continually store fat instead of using it. Fasting has been shown to improve chronic inflammation that can dull the brain’s leptin receptor sites. FMD is clinically shown to help individuals with normal-BMI reading to lose an average of 5.7 lbs of fat and 1.2 inches off waist circumference, while overweight/obese lost >8lbs, mainly with visceral fat reduction while protecting lean body mass.

  • Curbed cravings- Fasting decreases your hunger hormone ghrelin, which in turn can increase dopamine levels in the brain. Fasting can also help free people from emotional eating and kill cravings by transitioning your metabolism from unstable sugar-burning to steady fat-burning.

  • Lower cancer risk- Multiple studies have shown a link between fasting and a reduced risk of breast cancer.

  • Enhanced heart health- Intermittent fasting is thought to lower heart disease risk due to its ability to lower triglycerides and blood pressure and raise beneficial HDL cholesterol.

  • Improved autoimmune conditions- A fasting-mimicking diet under 1,000 calories a day for three-day cycles has been shown to improve symptoms associated with autoimmune conditions like multiple sclerosis as well as lupus.

How does it work?

During the five days of restricted FMD calories, the body goes into repair and recycle mode. When caloric consumption is low, the body turns to internal sources of stored energy. Not only does the body burn stored fat, it begins breaking down and recycling internal cellular components or entire damaged cells that weren’t working optimally. This process is called autophagy. Toward days 4-5 of the FMD, the body increases stem cell activity triggering a regenerative process to occur. It’s “out with the old, in with the new” at the cellular level.  There are many studies ongoing right now looking at FMD in cancer, cognitive impairment, kidney disease, multiple sclerosis, cardiomyopathy, depression, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity. 

How to complete a FMD?

While there may be multiple ways to complete an FMD on your own, Dr. Longo and his researchers have developed a specific, patented product called Prolon, which I believe achieves the best results. It includes a kit with 5 small boxes containing all the food and beverages you need to complete a 5 days FMD. The meals include a nut bar for breakfast, dried soups for lunch and dinner, various snacks, a special low-calorie drink, as well as herbal teas. After you finish the 5-day cycle, you return to your normal, healthy eating habits for the rest of the month. Each cycle is beneficial, but completing a FMD for 5 consecutive days per month for 3 months shows significant benefits for people with excess weight or metabolic concerns, but even those at their ideal weight will also see benefits. The daily calories are as follows:

  • On day one, 1090 calories are provided (10% protein, 56% fat, and 34% carbohydrate)

  • On days two through five, 725 calories are provided (9% protein, 44% fat, and 47% carbohydrate).

My experience with FMD:

As a foodie and nutritional expert I did try my hand at recreating the FMD myself. I copied the calories and macronutrients described in the studies and created my own snacks, soups and salads. After comparing my results with my experience using Prolon, I found I had more weight loss and better energy response using the pre-packaged Prolon kit. I have now completed five Prolon FMD cycles. Here is what else I have discovered:

  • I loved having the boxes of Prolon food. One of the hardest parts of being on a diet is figuring out what to eat, so this made it simple.  I completed 3 cycles in 3 consecutive months and plan to continue doing 2-4 cycles per year.

  • Day 1 is fairly easy, but days 2 (and sometimes 3) can bring fatigue. By days 4-5, my energy and focus skyrocket. I have found that each cycle becomes easier. 

  • The food: As a trained chef and foodie I know that my food choices are particular. The nut bar, olives and kale crackers are delicious. The soups are tasty, but I admit that I add a few dried herbs like oregano or basil to liven them up. The choco-crisp bar is a welcome sweet treat. 

  • At the end of the five days, my clothes fit better, cravings improve and my sleep is more restful and energizing. I will admit I have been tempted to continue the fast because I felt amazing!

  • I lost weight with each cycle. There is a small (and expected) bounce back in weight after resuming regular eating habits. However, over time with multiple cycles under my belt, I have experienced sustained reduction in weight and waist circumference.

Who should try Prolon FMD?

Prolon is best for people who want to maintain healthy levels of:

  • Fasting blood glucose

  • Cholesterol

  • Blood pressure

  • C-reactive protein

  • Triglycerides

  • Reduce excess fat while maintaining body mass.

Prolon fasting mimicking diet is not for everyone. Side effects include weakness and lightheadedness. It is important to keep exercise minimal while completing the 5 day program. Prolon FMD is NOT appropriate for anyone with nut allergy, diabetes or significant blood sugar problems, low body weight, eating disorder, pregnant or nursing women, chronically weak/ill, or the elderly. I recommend working with a healthcare practitioner to decide if it is right for you, especially if you want to monitor your health status with blood pressure and lab work.

Learn more about the various types of fasting.

Schedule an appointment to learn more. 

Prolon kits are available in the office or can be ordered here


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Roasted Beet Chips