Fullscript on-line pharmacy

Relish Health has partnered with Fullscript on-line pharmacy to provide a quick and convenient way for patients to purchase vitamins and supplements. Dr. Leazenby may provide a written recommendations for you at your office visit or she may send you her suggestions via email.

FODZYME is a unique enzyme blend that helps you digest foods high in FODMAPs.
Use code RELISHHEALTHMD for a 15% discount.

BIOSENSE® Breath Ketone Meter

BIOSENSE® Breath Ketone Meter

Receive a $30 discount with Code 9493D2AEE95 at the Biosense website.

Epionce link

Epionce is a physician-strength skin care line created by a clinical dermatologist. Epionce is rooted in hard science and integrates over 20 years of clinical skin research. Use code 20230224 for access to these high quality products.